Glaucoma Unit

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Half of the patients with glaucoma don't know they have it.

Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve fibres are damaged, in most cases due to an increase in intraocular pressure.

The patient may not be aware of the progression of glaucoma because the initial loss of vision is of side vision. This is why glaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight.

All efforts are focused on keeping the optic nerve healthy, preserving the integrity of its nerve fibres as much as possible.

Any patient diagnosed with glaucoma must be informed of the significance of the disorder, the most suitable drug or surgical treatment and future prognosis. Many hereditary and genetic cases may also be studied with new molecular genetics technologies.

Our institution's Glaucoma Unit, led by Dr Susana Duch with the assistance of Dr Elena Millà, Dr Shirin Djavanmardi and Dr Carlos Arciniegas, is of national and international renown. It was the first team to use Drainage Implants in Spain, the most commonly used system in severe glaucoma, and it is currently the team promoting the most important multi-centre genetic study of glaucoma in Spain (EMMEIG).

Early treatment enables us to prevent irreversible blindness and early detection is therefore extremely important. An annual eye exam, including assessment of the optic nerve and measuring of intraocular pressure, is necessary in all patients and is vital after the age of 45 years. 

Sight loss cannot be recovered and therefore early diagnosis is essential. Thanks to the application of new advances by our expert Glaucoma Unit, we are getting closer to controlling the disease.

What are all the procedures offered by the Glaucoma Unit? 

  1. Early diagnosis
  2. Monitoring of disease progression using instruments (HRT, OCT, Retinography, Campimetry)
  3. Medical treatment (mainly eye drops)
  4. Filtering Surgery (Trabeculectomy, non-perforating Sclerotomy...)
  5. Surgery with Drainage Implants and Valves (Molteno, Ahmed...)
  6. Laser Treatment
  7. Congenital Glaucoma Surgery
  8. Genetic Diagnosis
Created: 02/05/2019 / Updated: 08/02/2025

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